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Alma Natura

Dang Gui Shao Yao San

Dang Gui Shao Yao San

Regular price 14,50 €
Regular price Sale price 14,50 €
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Benefits may include:

- May help nourish liver blood

- May help to strengthen the spleen

- May assist with treating threatened miscarriages

- May help relieve abdominal pain during pregnancy 

- May help with irregular menstruations and painful dysmenorrhea

- Can assist post-partum weakness

- May help soften the organs 

 Indications according to traditional Chinese medicine: Dang Gui Shao Yao San harmonises the liver, promotes spleen transport and phlegm transformation. It is indicated in cases of disharmony between the liver and the spleen, with a emptiness of blood and humidity, manifested by pain in the abdomen, spasmodic pain in the abdomen, continuous but not severe, urinary difficulties, oedema (mainly of the lower limbs). Dang Gui Shao Yao San can be used in cases of repeated miscarriage or threat of miscarriage, dysmenorrhoea, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic nephritis, beriberi, hepatomegaly, etc. in the presence of signs of liver blood emptiness with blood stasis and spleen emptiness with stagnation due to dampness

Aura Health & Wellbeing is a range of functional teas and dietary supplements inspired by Chinese herbal remedies to promote good health. Our supplements are created using decocted methods of manufacturing (mixing them with water, alcohol or oil).

These products contain a 5:1 concentration ratio, with 180g of herbs used in each bottle. 

Aura Herbal Supplements have a 4-9x higher concentration ratio than other brands. 

Dang Gui Shao Yao San 当归芍药片

60 tablets per bottle, each tablet contains 600mg.

A daily dosage of 6 tablets contains:

  • Radix paeoniae alba (Bai Shao) 842 mg
  • Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae (Bai Zhu) 572 mg
  • Poria (Fu Ling) 572 mg
  • Rhizoma alismatis (Ze Xie) 572 mg
  • Rhizoma chuanxiong (Chuan Xiong) 404 mg
  • Radix angelicae sinensis (Dang Gui) 404 mg

Tabletted with: Hypromellose, Magnesium stearate, Sodium silicate, Polyethylene glycate

Registered dietary supplement, suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Gluten free. Non-GMO. Herbs grown using DaoDi concept. Non-sulpher treated.  

For advice on how to take this supplement, please consult a qualified herbalist.

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